Tag #139426 - Interview #78149 (Marika Krpez)

Selected text
The first Yom Kippur after the war, my mother and I went to synagogue.
Instead of sitting upstairs we sat downstairs. When I opened the drawer
where the prayer books were, I discovered that I was in what had been my
father's place, because there was a small plaque on the seat with his name
on it.

I finished primary school and gymnasium in Subotica. From 1957 to 1961 I
studied English in Belgrade where I met my future husband, Djordje Krpez,
from Zsombor. We married in 1962. We returned to Subotica and on August 11,
1962 I had a daughter, Branka. I worked as a professor until my retirement
in and 1993.

I am very active in the Jewish Council. I was a member of the executive
board for about 20 years. I have been a member of the executive board of
the Jewish Councils' Union since 1996. At the moment I am the second vice
president of the Jewish Council in Subotica. I take part in all activities
and I am trying to give the others as much as I can of my knowledge and


Marika Krpez