Tag #139834 - Interview #88324 (Suzana Petrovic)

Selected text
When we returned at the end of June 1945, we learned that my brother had survived the Csilag prison, that in 1944 he and his friends escaped. They joined the partisans and they fought on the Sremski front, which was on the Serbian-Croatian border. After waiting a year we understood and we heard that my father was no longer alive. That left four of us, which for a Jewish family, was quite a large number.

When we returned, we did not find anything left in our apartment. Someone else was living there and our things had been taken off in all directions. For a while, we lived with a Hungarian family who had saved all my mother’s papers.  Soon we received housing in the Jewish community building, right next to the synagogue, where my mother and I remained until I finished my university.  We shared a flat for a while with another Jewish family, and my mother got a job working in the community kitchen.

Even when she had the opportunity, she never wanted to move back to her apartment and she died in her flat in the Jewish community center in 1973.


Suzana Petrovic