Tag #139895 - Interview #96750 (Sabat Pilosof)

Selected text
Aunt Regina married a barber from Sofia, who I think was called Baruh Mordoch. Their wedding was in Dupnitsa. Then they moved to Palestine, where he continued to work as a barber. However, a couple of years later they returned. Aunt Regina’s husband wanted to live at my grandfather’s house. Yet, there wasn’t enough space there. He had obviously thought that my grandfather would make space for him. Finally, he quarreled with everyone and went to Sofia with my aunt. There was another disagreement also. In the past there were many copper utensils in the house. So there came the time for my grandfather to split them among the family. A lottery was arranged with the names and being the eldest grandson, I drew the lots. Baruh pretended that he had received the smallest part of it. That wasn’t true. My grandfather had equally split the utensils. Then for a while my father and uncles stopped talking to him. My grandpa was an old man already and Uncle Mois used to live with him. He had decided to leave something as a memory for all his kids.

Uncle Mois was a hatter. His wife was called Buka and she was from Dupnitsa. They had three children: Sabat, Rahamim and Lina. The whole family left for Israel. Uncle Avram was a shoemaker. His wife’s name was Sofi and she was also from Dupnitsa. They had two children: Mois, who died in Israel and Lina Zhianska, who lives in Sofia. Uncle Salamon was a tinker. He was married to Mara from Dupnitsa. They lived in Sofia. Mara was a kindergarten teacher. They had two children: Sabat and Zinka, who left for Israel. My father’s two sisters, Zelma and Ester, were workers in the tobacco warehouses and also housewives. Ester married Buko Davidov, who also used to work in the tobacco warehouses in Dupnitsa. They had two sons: David and Sabat. David Davidov is the chairman of the Jewish community in Dupnitsa. Sabat was an employee of the Bulgarian State Railways. Zelma married in Sofia. I have no information about her family.


Sabat Pilosof