Tag #140124 - Interview #94647 (Frida Shatkhina)

Selected text
My brother went to school. I followed him two years later. After finishing the four-year Jewish school its pupils continued their studies in the Ukrainian school. My parents decided to send my brother and me to the Ukrainian school from the very beginning. We were fluent in Ukrainian and had no problems in this regard.

I liked school. I made new friends: Jewish and Ukrainian. There were quite a few Jewish pupils in my class. The teachers treated us in a similar manner, and there was no segregation at school. I have happy memories about school.

After school I hurried home to do my homework and housework. Mama spent much time in the store, and I had my home chores to do. I cleaned and did the laundry and cleaned vegetables so that my mother spent less time cooking. I also had to look after my sister, who was five years younger than me. And I also managed to play with my friends in the street and read a little.

We didn’t have books at home. I borrowed books from the school library. I didn’t become a pioneer [9] at school. They started admission from those, who had all excellent marks, and when it was my turn, I decided against it feeling hurt.
Frida Shatkhina