Tag #140129 - Interview #94647 (Frida Shatkhina)

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My sister went to study at the one-year accounting course after finishing school. After finishing this course she entered the Accounting Faculty of the Financial and Economic College in Vinnitsa where she met her future husband. I don’t remember his first name, but his last name was Solomon. He came from the village of Kalinovka near Vinnitsa. They got married in 1940 and Betia moved to live with her husband.

My brother married Sima, a Jewish girl from Chernevtsy in 1938. After the wedding he moved to his wife’s place. They registered their marriage in a registry office and had a wedding dinner with relatives. They couldn’t afford bigger celebrations at this hard time. In 1939 my brother’s son Boris was born. He was named after our deceased older brother. In 1940 their daughter Raisa was born.


Frida Shatkhina