Tag #140338 - Interview #78458 (Heni Szepesi)

Selected text
Then, one fine day, they came and said that a train was coming and they would take us home. But they didn’t bring us home, but took us to Berdichev, to dilapidated barracks in the Ukraine, where the conditions were much like those we had “enjoyed” in the concentration camp and we were kept here for six months. Of course, there were plank-beds there too, they were big barracks, it was a terrible place. You can imagine, there were so many people. And there were also some SS-soldiers as well, who had a tattoo on their armpit. We went up to ask how it was possible that we were there and we told them what we thought of it. And they told us that it was the Hungarians’ distribution-camp and from there everybody would be sent home to receive their just punishment, or go home, or whatever. So from June, 1945 I didn't get home until the 22nd of October, 1945, I spent such a long time there.


Heni Szepesi