Tag #140478 - Interview #78556 (Gyorgy Preisz)

Selected text
Since my father worked at the match factory and it was a Swedish company, my mother got a Swedish Schutzpass [7]. At first they were in the yellow star house at number 3 Csaki Street, which was a synagogue. After that, when the Schutzpass stuff came, Auntie Jolanka and my mother went to the Swedish protected house in Hollan Street. But one day the Arrow Cross [8] men came – this was at the beginning of November. During the Hungarian Nazi regime, they came and emptied the Swedish house. They took everybody to a brick factory, and from there to Bergen-Belsen. My mother went to Bergen-Belsen, too, to the same place as her relatives – that is, her parents from Gyoma.


Gyorgy Preisz