Tag #140983 - Interview #87722 (Mariana Farkas)

Selected text
All the others from the house were taken away. After that I found out that they were taken to the banks of the Danube and that they were all shot into the Danube. And right then my mother was on her way home, and a neighbor, I think he was a Christian, signaled her not to go there and told her, ‘Ma’am, I saw all the Jews gathered from the house, don’t go there!’ and then my mother said, ‘What do you mean not go, I have a child who’s lying in bed there!’ Then the man said, ‘Stay here so that no one can see you. I’ll go see if they take the child away as well, they would have to carry her on a stretcher, there’s no other way.’ And the Germans left, and the man saw that I wasn’t among those taken away, and then my mother immediately came home and took me and then we went to the ghetto [17]. We were in that yellow star house from April to December.


Mariana Farkas