Tag #141082 - Interview #102573 (Blanka Gallo)

Selected text
I often (worked) on Rosh Hashanah but only once on Yom Kippur – this was during Rakosi regime [3] and people did not dare say anything – but later we took holidays in order to be able to fast, everything. At Yom Kippur I only worked once, but Imre worked then several times.

I just remember that as a manager he could just look in wherever he was, but we always went to synagogue. Then we went to the Desewffy synagogue as that was nearby. But I also fasted when I worked. And on Tisha be-Av too. Today I just semi-fast on Tisha be-Av. But I still fast (on Yom Kippur). This is the one thing Judit also does, she works but fasts then too.


Blanka Gallo