Tag #141151 - Interview #78558 (Erika Izsak)

Selected text
The situation was different outside of school. In the spring of 1938, when I was on my way home, three boys, whom I didn’t know, attacked me, said nasty things about me being Jewish and hit me. It didn’t hurt me very much and I didn’t get very frightened either: I saw many Arrow Cross [14], anti-Semitic inscriptions on the walls and fences those days. It hurt me more that my classmate, with whom I was on quite good terms, even though she was Christian, and we were together at that time, too, got frightened and ran away immediately. I completed the 3rd grade there, but in the 4th grade I was a private student again on Bezeredi Street. I went to religion class to a religion teacher in Sashalom [district]. He was the first one who made me a little bit interested, even if not in religion, but in the Bible and Hebrew letters.


Erika Izsak