Tag #141165 - Interview #78558 (Erika Izsak)

Selected text
After a while my aunt [Klara Biro, nee Torok] completely lost her power, not only physically, but also her power of will. Her organism couldn’t fight one of the contagious diseases, dysentery, and she died of it. My mother had a completely different temper, she couldn’t imagine that we wouldn’t get home: ‘we must, because Grandma, and especially Dad is waiting for us. We would get a beating from him, if we didn’t go home…’ She probably managed to fight off petechial typhus and the very high temperature she had and which lasted for several days, partly because of this. For me the most difficult to endure physically was the latrine, and the lice. We could prevent our head from becoming lousy, there was a hairdresser in the Lager [German for camp], who took on cutting our hair off for two to three day’s bread portion. But it was impossible to rid our clothes from them.


Erika Izsak