Tag #141578 - Interview #78044 (lina mukhamedjanova)

Selected text
Basia and Fania had a tragic life. Both of them and their families perished on the first days of World War II. They were killed by fascists. Basia, born around 1890, was a beautiful and cheerful woman. She married Israel Livshytz, a Jewish man, who was her cousin. Israel was a highly qualified engineer. Basia was a housewife. They lived in Chernigov before the Great Patriotic War [4].

My father's sister Fania, born in 1895, married Iosif Linetski, a military commandant from Kiev. He was also a Jew. They lived in Kiev and had two children, a daughter called Inna and son called Evgeni. Fania's husband Iosif was arrested and executed without any trial or investigation [during the Great Terror] [5]. Aunt Fania became mentally ill and was put into mental hospital in Chernigov. Her younger sister Sarra, born in 1900, took her children. She worked as an accountant after finishing a short-term course. Sarra remained single and dedicated her life to raising Fania's children.

My father's youngest sister, Eva, was born in 1913. She finished the Business Faculty at Moscow Aviation College. She married Alexei Yatsun, a Russian man, in Moscow and they lived a happy life together. During the war they worked at the aviation plant in Kuibyshev [Russia]. Eva died in 2000. Her daughter, Lina Ershova, is an economist. She lives and works in Moscow.


lina mukhamedjanova