Tag #141640 - Interview #101643 (Sheindlia Krishtal)

Selected text
Yura was a smart and nice boy. He studied at Ukrainian school #115. Yura was fond of mathematic. After finishing the 8th form he heard about admission to school #145 with deeper study of mathematic and physics. This school was within the structure of Kiev State University. Their teachers were at the same time lecturers in the University and best pupils were admitted to the university without exams after finishing school. He didn’t tell us a word, went there and passed entrance exams. He was admitted to school.  He took part in various mathematical contests and once took the first place in Olympiad of Moscow University. He got an official invitation to study at the University. In  1971 Yura finished school and submitted his documents to Mechanical Physical Faculty of Moscow University. He knew that it was hard to get there without bribes or acquaintances, but he went to take exams.  We didn’t have any money to bribe people and we didn’t have any acquaintances. Yura failed to enter Moscow University and submitted his documents to Kiev University. He got a “four” in mathematic, although he gave correct answers. I went to the dean of the faculty and demanded that they founded a commission. The commission checked his test – it was correct. The dean told me to take it easy since it didn’t matter much whether he got a “four” or “five”.  But Yura was admitted as an evening student.  It meant that he was subject to mobilization to the army after the first year. The dean promised me to transfer Yura to the daytime course after the first year. But what happened was that he transferred another student to the daytime course and I decided to talk to the rector. I didn’t tell Yura about my plans – he had a strong character and might not allow me to go. I talked to the rector – no results. I lost me temper and called him an anti-Semite. He said he was going to call the police. “Yes, call the police – I am staying here, but you do not transfer my son, because he is a Jew”. He didn’t call the police, but he didn’t transfer my son to the daytime course either. 

Yura served in the Navy in Severomorsk. He has been in the North Pole. 

I worked as editor at the technical information department of the Ministry of timber and logging industry in Kreschatik. I went on tours to all forestries in Ukraine, including the Carpathian Mountains.  When I was about 50 I fainted at a meeting and was sent to neurological clinic. My eyesight became worse. I became an invalid of the third category. At 51 I was classified as an invalid of the 2nd category and it gave me the right to retie before term. When my condition improved I continued to write as part-time correspondent and worked at the Ukrainian Association of blind people. I worked 39 years in total.

Yura returned home in 3 years. He matured in the army. 

Yura studied at the University and worked at the design office of the Ministry of Agriculture.  He met a candidate of seines from the Institute of cybernetics. He told a doctor of sciences from this Institute about Yura. This doctor of sciences invited Yura to work at the Institute. Yura met his future wife Luda there. She is Ukrainian and had a son before she met Yura. Yura doesn’t have any children. Of course, I wanted him to marry a Jewish woman. And have children of his own, but it turned out differently.  Luda is a nice woman and they live well and this is most important for me.


Sheindlia Krishtal