Tag #141701 - Interview #99921 (Shahne Berznitskiy)

Selected text
At the same time I kept on being involved in my underground activity. My main task was agitation and propaganda of the Soviet way of life. That’s why when the Soviet regime was established in the Baltic countries in 1940, I joyfully welcomed it [see Occupation of the Baltic Republics] [9]. As soon as the Soviets showed up, the Party wasn’t underground any more. I was elected the secretary of the party organization. Now I could openly carry out my party activity. Upon the arrival of the Red Army I dealt with supply for the army for a while. I organized the supply of products and bread to the militaries as well as their accommodation. When all those issued had been tackled I took up the organization of training for young Lithuanian communists. Out of all my brothers only Iosif and I were members of the Communist Party. When the Soviet regime was in power, he was offered a job with the KGB [10]. He worked as a guard of important party activists and state officials.


Shahne Berznitskiy