Tag #141872 - Interview #78498 (Rachel Averbukh)

Selected text
I remember that in 1918, during the Civil War, the Balakhovich gang was active in Pskov. This leader of this group was as well known as Denikin; he used to hang the Reds. The war went on furiously. I was about three or four years old, and Mom and I and the nurse would hide under the window sill  so as not to get hit by a stray bullet.

I can’t remember all the details, but I do remember  that my nurse once took me out for a walk, and by chance we suddenly came into a square where corpses were hanging on gallows. I  remember that we were very frightened. These were not pogroms, they did not touch Jews.  It was basically the communists who were executed.


Rachel Averbukh