Tag #142504 - Interview #100081 (Feiga Kil)

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I remembered the Doctors’ Plot very well, when Beriya [15] was arrested thinking that the justice prevailed. After the Twentieth Party Congress [16] I couldn’t believe that all atrocity and injustice in the USSR came from Stalin. I felt hatred, but not towards Stalin, towards the epoch. I thought that Stalin must have been unaware of the things done in his name. Then I changed my opinion of Stalin. Since that time I’ve hated the Soviet regime as strongly as I love Israel. We followed the events in Israel and we acutely perceived everything what was happening there. I remember, we followed the events of the Six-Day-War [17], the Yom Kippur War [18] and rejoiced in the victories of the Israeli army. We are proud of this country.


Feiga Kil