Tag #142703 - Interview #83360 (Tamara-Alexandra Goldenberg)

Selected text
Our family was very friendly and rather religious. We celebrated all Jewish religious holidays. I was deeply impressed by the celebration of Pesach. We put out special dishes. We washed and changed our dresses. All relatives were dressed up. There was a festive air in the house. Grandmother did not cook, as she was very old. She stayed in the corner knitting and making clothes for our dolls. Aunt Nadezhda, Grigoriy’s wife, cooked everything. I remember delicious gefilte fish, potato patties. Aunt Nadezhda, my mother and Aunt Maria baked strudels from matzah flour, stuffed with jam, raisins and nuts.

We observed all rites and traditions of the holiday. Before Pesach we cleaned the house and put out different dishes. We took the furniture from the apartment and washed walls. There was not a single bread crumb in the house. They bought a lot of matzah for the entire Pascal period. Bread was not eaten for eight days. My uncles went to the synagogue.


Tamara-Alexandra Goldenberg