Tag #143291 - Interview #92684 (Semyon Ghendler)

Selected text
I had many friends of various nationalities at school. There was no such issue as nationality before the war.  I studied well and was fond of mathematic and physics. I also liked geography. My pioneer errand was issuance of a wall newspaper where I was an editor. I visited my grandfather in Ovruch on my summer vacations. I also spent my vacations in a pioneer camp on the Teterev River. We celebrated Soviet holidays at school: there were pioneer marches on 1 May and 7 November [13], and on the international Day of young people on 1 September. We always went to parades on holidays. It was a lot of fun. We also celebrated Soviet holidays at home.  My parents invited their friends. They danced to the wireless and sang Soviet songs.


Semyon Ghendler