Tag #143344 - Interview #95662 (Isaak Rotman)

Selected text
But director of rabfak persuaded me to enter a college. I had no objection to enter the Military Mechanical College, but they required 3 recommendations from the Communist Party members. My sister who was a party member had no right to recommend me, because she was my relative. I also had a friend - a communist party member, but his experience was not enough. My Mum decided to assist me and began to search for recommendations. She found 2 persons, but while she was searching for the 3rd one they returned me my documents, explaining that I was not right for them. I was very much upset and decided not to go to any other college. I got fixed to job of the chief of broadcasting center at Passage Department Store. [Passage Department Store was one of the largest department stores of Leningrad.


Isaak Rotman