Tag #143425 - Interview #78176 (Rachil Meitina)

Selected text
Gleb failed to enter the College of Chemical Machine Building in Moscowthe first time. Perhaps, his nationality played a role. The following year Gleb had private classes with a teacher ofmathematics from that college. This teacher was also there during an exam. Gleb passed his exams, entered Moscow College of Engineers of Railroad Transport in 1975 and graduated in 1980. He never mentioned any problems regarding nationality in college. Upon graduation he got a job with the Moscow metro. He has worked in the laboratory of corrosion for many years. At night, when there is no traffic, they inspect the track for corrosion. He joined the Party at work for the sake of his career. He wasn’t an active party member. All he did was attend meetings and pay his monthly fees. His membership was over at the beginning of perestroika [35].


Rachil Meitina