Tag #143542 - Interview #78271 (Yuri Bogdanov)

Selected text
Father worked hard and was entrepreneurial to earn money. During the NEP [8] my father came into money due to his entrepreneurial skills, hard labor, business acumen and intelligence. He had a shop for casting mill stones and grain milling, which were in high demand in the collective farms [9] and state-run collective enterprises [Sovkhoz] [10]. Millstones were huge, with a diameter of about three meters. My father had his own stamp with his surname written on it. All millstones produced by my father were stamped with my father's stamp.

In 1928 my father was conferred with a golden medal at the agricultural exhibition, and he was very proud of it. I don't know what happened with that medal. We were rather well-off thanks to my father. We had enough money not only for a living, but we were able to save money as well.


Yuri Bogdanov