Tag #143614 - Interview #78271 (Yuri Bogdanov)

Selected text
My wife and I marked Soviet holidays at home not because we considered them to be holidays, just because it was generally accepted. I remained a party member, so it was obligatory for me to mark Soviet holidays and to subscribe to the newspaper 'Izvestia' [one of the most popular communist papers in the USSR, published from 1917 to the1980s, with the circulation exceeding eight million copies].

Certainly it was nice to get extra days off and on such Soviet holidays as 1st May, 7th November [October Revolution Day] [46] and Soviet Army Day [47] we got together with my friends in my house. Only the Victory Day [48] on 9th May was sacred to us. In the morning my family and I went to the Grave of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow and brought flowers there. In the evening the front-line soldiers got together to commemorate the past and to sing military songs.


Yuri Bogdanov