Tag #143723 - Interview #103979 (Elizabeth Waiser Biography)

Selected text
Most of the population in Bairamcha was Jewish. Thee were also Moldavians and Russians. Jewish families lied mostly in the central part of the town and non-Jewish population lived in the outskirts, as they were involved in farming for the most part. Like in most of small tows Jews in Bairamcha were handicraftsmen and tradesmen. There was a very skilled hat maker in Bairamcha. He was a Jew. He had customers come even from distant villages to have him make a hat or a winter coat for them. There was a shoihet in the town and butchers sold kosher meat at the market. There was a big two-storied synagogue in town. All Jew attended it on Saturday. They had a very good rabbi. Jews came from other towns to listen to his sermons. My grandfather and father had a pew at the synagogue.

Bairamcea (now Mykolajiwka-Noworossijska)
Odeska oblast

Elizabeth Waiser Biography