Tag #144039 - Interview #94880 (Yefim Volodarskiy)

Selected text
There were two Jewish, one Ukrainian, one Polish and one Russian schools in the town. The Jewish and Ukrainian schools were the best even in the 1920s. Soviet authorities didn’t quite acknowledge the Polish or Ukrainian schools. The Ukrainian school was a private school, and therefore, was ignored by authorities. Children of intelligentsia, doctors, lawyers and traders, mainly went to the Russian school. Children studied Yiddish in the Jewish school, but no Hebrew. They studied all subjects in Yiddish, but the school curriculum was no different from other schools. There were very good teachers at school. There were also cheder schools in the town. My brothers went to cheder and to school. I didn’t go to cheder.

Belaya Tserkov
Kyivska oblast

Yefim Volodarskiy