Tag #144046 - Interview #94880 (Yefim Volodarskiy)

Selected text
Nese’s second son Lulek Rudgaizer was a hardworking man like all bindyzhniki. He was also a Zionist, but a common one. Lulek may have been born around 1905. I don’t know where he studied, but he had some elementary education. I think, some time in the 1920s the Joint [5] arranged some Jewish school or employment and Lulek moved to Palestine in the 1920s. He joined a kibbutz. In his letters to relatives he wrote that they were developing the land pulling out stones! They had a hard life. There was no money paid in the kibbutz and Lulek wrote that he was already receiving two shirts per year. Later the kibbutz bought a horse and then Lulek was awfully proud that few years later his kibbutz managed to buy a tractor. He stayed in this kibbutz till the end of his life. He was a pensioner, but he couldn’t imagine life without work and Lulek became a shoemaker.


Yefim Volodarskiy