Tag #144798 - Interview #97065 (Irina Soboleva-Ginsburg )

Selected text
In my hostel there were actresses of the Jewish theater in the room next-door. Some of them were my friends. They often invited Andrei and me to the theater. We didn’t understand Yiddish, but we attended all their performances. I was especially impressed by the King Lear performance with the striking acting of Mikhoels [13]. He was a great actor. I remember what tragedy it was to all of us when he was shot in 1948. We didn’t know any details but we understood that he had been removed. We knew that terrible things were happening in the country. For the first time in my life I felt uncomfortable about my family name – Ginsburg. Andrei and I went to the registry office to register our marriage. I took my husband’s last name Sobolev.


Irina Soboleva-Ginsburg