Tag #144844 - Interview #97065 (Irina Soboleva-Ginsburg )

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The charity organization of Bnai Brith helped me to publish a volume of my most recent pictures. The subject of all of them is Jewish life. The first picture in the book is Jewish Still Life: with a Torah scroll and Chanukkah lights. I dedicate many pictures to the work of Jewish people, everyday life, the culture of a small town and Biblical subjects. I also painted ancient Lvov, its streets and lanes, synagogues, fashion stores, violinists and organ grinders. I’m not much interested in contemporary life. I have some new ideas and spend much time working. I will have another series of paintings called The People of the Book. It’s about our people that always turned to books to receive education. I have about two dozen portraits of remarkable Jews of all centuries. I create their portraits and not just copies of their appearances. I see these talented people and I try to get information about every person, and depict their manners and characters.

Lvivska oblast

Irina Soboleva-Ginsburg