Tag #144865 - Interview #92147 (Nikhama Frumkina)

Selected text
My father, Pavel Markovich [Peisakh ben Elimelekh] Frumkin, was born in Pogar in 1902, though 1903 is written down in his birth certificate. From the age of three he studied in a cheder in Pogar, upon the termination of which he was sent to study in a yeshivah in another town, and he became a yeshivah bocher. Father told me, how with other yeshivah bocherim they went to have dinner in ‘makhuntek,’ that is in various Jewish families. [This is an old Jewish tradition according to which the poor yeshivah bocherim dined in Jewish families, because the yeshivah couldn’t really feed them. Besides, it was considered an important religious commandment for any Jew to feed a poor yeshivah boy – who would probably be a rabbi in the future.


Nikhama Frumkina