Tag #144894 - Interview #83342 (Valentina Fidelman)

Selected text
During World War I [1914-1918], Daddy stayed in their house in Belarus for some time [that is, being a soldier, was quartered in their house]. He was a medical assistant. Grandmother had given him an education. He finished a Medical Assistants School. He liked Mom very much, and they became engaged. They got acquainted in my mother’s house, where he stayed. They got married in the synagogue, already in St. Petersburg; Grandfather ordered them to come here and there was a real wedding ceremony. They received a marriage certificate in Hebrew or Yiddish, I don’t know exactly, in the synagogue. Daddy was born in 1898. She was 18, and he was 26. And then, because Grandmother lived in Vladikavkaz, they moved there after my birth.


Valentina Fidelman