Tag #145035 - Interview #95402 (Faina Gheller)

Selected text
There was no anti-Semitism at school. I didn’t even know the word. Our teachers never segregated us by national origin. Even more than that, when I fought with the boy who called me ‘Jew’ once our teachers took time to explain to him that there were 16 republics in our country and that all citizens have equal rights. 

In my childhood I rarely faced anti-Semitism. Of course, I happened to hear ‘zhydovskaya morda’, [abusive – ‘Jewish mug’] but I always fought back. We had neighbors: the father of the family was an official from consumer cooperation and there were three daughters. One of them called me names and always provoked me for a fight. This annoyed me so much that I always ended up grabbing her by her hair. When I had my first fight I came home crying and complained to my father. He hit me hard and said ‘You better take care of your situations. Don’t complain to me. I shall not fight for you’. From then on I did take care of my situations. I had fights with that girl every single day. I got along well with other children. They didn’t call me names and we were friends.


Faina Gheller