Tag #145168 - Interview #96838 (Igor Brover)

Selected text
In 1967, during the war in Israel [Six-Day-War] [14], I was recruited for regular military training in Nikolaev. There were lectures about it in our unit. There were a few other Jews in my unit and we sympathized with Israel, but didn't like Arabs. We were very upset about the termination of diplomatic relationships between the USSR and Israel. This was done outrageously out of negative attitude toward Jews and to play up to Arabs. There was an incident with the radar station then. The USSR furnished a state of the art radar station to Egypt. At 12 o'clock, when all Arabs were praying, an Israel plane hooked up this station and took it away. The Arabs were horrified.  During the war in 1973 [Yom Kippur War] [15] our emotions were no different and we sympathized with Israel as we did before.


Igor Brover