Tag #145172 - Interview #96838 (Igor Brover)

Selected text
Tatiana studied in a secondary school, and after finishing the 8th form she entered a medical school. We raised her with the understanding that her parents are Jewish and she is a Jew. She also knew that she could face problems, but she has a strong character. When she studied in her medical school something happened showing her attitude. There were a few Jews in her group. One of them was a weak 'Mom's sonny'. One of his fellow students always pestered him.  Tatiana was a quiet girl, but once she came to the end of her tether and stood up for this boy. The offender gave her a rude reply. She complained about it to her friends living in her grandmother's apartment in Khvorostina Street. Those boys came to the school and  were most likely convincing talking to the offender since he apologized to Tatiana and her fellow students began to reckon with her.  She could stand up for herself. After finishing school she became an assistant doctor and went to work at the hospital and polyclinic.


Igor Brover