Tag #145464 - Interview #92161 (Sofia Furman)

Selected text
It was Efim who contributed greatly to the subsequent moving of his sisters and younger brother Naum to Leningrad. He perished at Nevsky Pyatachok on the approaches to Leningrad on 15th January 1943. [Nevskaya Dubrovka is a settlement on the right bank of the Neva river, where the troops of the Leningrad front twice (in September 1941 and in September 1942) forced a crossing over the Neva river and captured the beach-head on its left bank (the so-called Nevsky Pyatachok, meaning ‘a very small plot of land near the Neva river’). They held their positions for about 400 days and participated in bloody battles.] I still keep the notification about his death. He served as a sniper.


Sofia Furman