Tag #145705 - Interview #78185 (Osip Hotinskiy)

Selected text
I started school at the age of eight in 1928. I did well at school and did make much effort for it. I remember the carnivals that Young Octobrists [13], and pioneers [see All-Union pioneer organization] [14] arranged in the streets on religious holidays. We marched the streets singing 'Away with monks, rabbis and priests! We'll climb the heaven and chase away all gods!' I remember the carnival on Piatnitskaya Street near Clementovskiy Lane where we lived at Christmas. This was called the anti-religious Christmas. There were costumes and I made a carton priest with a censer. I pulled the rope and the priest swayed the censer. There were fireworks and we were carrying banners with anti-religious slogans... Our teacher told us that we were not to eat Easter bread. She finished her speech saying a common phrase: 'There is no God.' I remember the school and the yard. There were many children living in the apartment building. We played and ran around in the yard in our free time.


Osip Hotinskiy