Tag #146244 - Interview #100173 (Rosa Linger)

Selected text
On the 14th of June 1941 soviet regime deported citizens of Baltic republics [20], including Latvia. There were a lot of Jews among the deported. They were not deported by nationality factor. Those were deported who were rich, and owned property as well as political-minded and religious activists. Fortunately, our family escaped deportation. At that time we thought that we were lucky. Then in postwar years I understood if God had had more mercy on our peoples, more Jews would have been deported. In spite of hard living conditions in Siberia, many of them would have survived and there would have been more survivors than those who were captured by Germans. Of course many of the exiled died, especially those, who were in Gulag [21]. Their exiled families also had a hard life, but still they were not exterminated, executed. Many of those survived came back to Latvia from exile.


Rosa Linger