Tag #146488 - Interview #103743 (Clara Shalenko)

Selected text
I remember when Jews began to move to Israel, our historical Motherland, in 1976. I attended Party meetings where communists blamed Jews for leaving the USSR. Back in 1948 when Palestine became Israel my father told me about the history of Palestine with enthusiasm. He was very pleased that Jews gained a Motherland and hoped that life would become easier for many of us since we’ve got our own country. My father told me it was better for Jews to live together; therefore, I was loyal to those that left the country. I never spoke against Jews at such Party meetings. We had deputy party leader that was a Jew and adamantly blamed Jews that were leaving calling them traitors and holding them up to shame. In few years’ time he left to the US with his family. We didn’t go to Israel since my parents were old and didn’t feel well. I sympathize with the families that leave this country and feel concerned about the troublesome situation in Israel.

Odeska oblast

Clara Shalenko