Tag #146720 - Interview #78109 (Naum Kravets)

Selected text
Two years later I returned to Moscow. We lived with my mother, who loved my daughter a lot. I went back to my former work place and was assigned to the same position - leading engineer of the project. I worked in my position until 1964. Then new experts came and I understood that I couldn't compete with them as they were better qualified. I decided to resume my studies. I didn't tell anybody of my intention and sent my application to the Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine Building, Computer Engineering Department, and passed the entrance exams for the evening course. When I found out that I had passed the exams, I told the chief designer, Kuniavskiy, that I had become a student and wouldn't be able to go on business trips. Of course, he didn't like that. Our relationship became slightly tense. They tried to talk me into taking short trips, but I refused because the trips were only to the military units. There the passport was taken upon arrival, so there was no way I could leave earlier, and I couldn't study without my passport. I said that during the war they were studying while I was in the lines. I said it was time for me to study and for the others to go on the business trips. I was threatened that they would cut my bonus and I would be transferred to another department. In 1970 I finished my higher education. Of course, I wasted a lot of time on unneeded, but mandatory subjects: Marxism-Leninism, philosophy etc. I regret that time was spent on useless things.


Naum Kravets