Tag #146802 - Interview #83398 (Ninel Kunina)

Selected text
After the war in Israel in 1967 [25] we had a proverb: ‘Don’t beat kikes, but beat in a kikish style.’ We never traveled to Israel but a lot of people from the plant departed [emigrated for permanent residence]. My friends left. I loved them, I took an interest in their fate, but I immediately told them not to write to me, as my son was studying at the military college and I was still working [26]. I was given the telephone number of elderly people who were in contact with them, who corresponded with them, and I got to know about their life from these people. [The situation in the Soviet Union was such, that if you had friends or even more so ‘relatives abroad,’ you would be considered a real spy, recruited by a foreign secret service, and you would be immediately dismissed from work, or they wouldn’t admit you to university and in every possible way the authorities would put obstacles in your way to a successful life. All people kept secret the existence of friends, who had left for foreign countries.


Ninel Kunina