Tag #146803 - Interview #83398 (Ninel Kunina)

Selected text
When Soviet troops were in Hungary [27], there was a famous journalist from Moscow, comrade Borzenko. And one of our acquaintances from Leningrad, let us call him Sidorov, while understanding that we were misinformed, wrote a letter to Moscow with the following content: ‘If you see that our troops are met well by the residential population, then you are a fool; and if you see that our troops are met with animosity but write the opposite, then you are a scoundrel.’ He addressed it like this: ‘Moscow, to the journalist Borzenko.’ There was no signature. This Sidorov was a prominent scientist, headed a large laboratory, often drank too much, and, certainly, in a state of drunkenness dared to write such things.


Ninel Kunina