Tag #146856 - Interview #92368 (Lyudmila Kreslova)

Selected text
Once, in the 1980s, we were on our way to our summer house on a train. My husband, as a war veteran, was granted a summer house in Per, at Karelia Isthmus [a summer-house settlement 50 km north of Leningrad]. My husband had his battle decorations on. People in the railroad car started to say that we were Jews, that our summer house was bought with stolen money, that my husband had bought his decorations. My husband said, ‘May God let you buy such decorations as I did, I would like to see you after that.’ We didn’t talk to these people anymore. Another time when I was on a train, a man stood up to give up his place for me to sit down. Then, suddenly, he changed his mind and said, ‘You are a Jew-woman’ and sat back down. I told him, ‘Who are you praying to? Jesus Christ? Well, he was a Jew.’ ‘It can’t be.’ ‘Go ask your priest.’ My daughters faced anti-Semitism during their studies. It happened even more often with my granddaughters, though my daughters are married to Russians.


Lyudmila Kreslova