Tag #147018 - Interview #92478 (Rebecca Levina)

Selected text
Perhaps, it isn’t true, but I had such a feeling when they didn’t admit me for any job, and so on. And philology is an ‘ideological’ profession and no one pays attention to what you are: an ordinary linguist, who is just a scientist, or a specialist in literature studies, which, more or less, is connected with propaganda.

Of, course, everyday anti-Semitism existed too. I always thought that I didn’t look like a Jewish woman, but I was the only one who thought that. If they needed to, they always guessed. And Russians have such an awful manner of asking, ‘Are you a little Jewess?’ I hated it heartily. For example, when I was waiting for my turn in some food store, some woman looked at me for a while, then she approached me and asked, ‘Are you a little Jewess?’ I was ready to kill such people, and I don’t even want to recall all those numerous situations, it isn’t pleasant, you know.

St. Petersburg

Rebecca Levina