Tag #147026 - Interview #92478 (Rebecca Levina)

Selected text
My husband had the strictest dopusk [32] ever, that’s why we couldn’t emigrate if we wanted to, and they just wouldn’t let us go. And they watched over me, and didn’t let us go abroad. We first had a chance to travel abroad after the Iron Curtain [33] disappeared. To say the truth, we went to Romania once. That was some kind of a professional trip, because I taught Russian as the second language for foreigners at the Gorny Institute. That was in 1966, before that entire story with my husband’s relatives; however, I still don’t know how they permitted me to go. This was a trip organized by the Romanian-Soviet Friendship Society. It was a ten-day journey to Romanian cities and towns, and ten days rest at the Black Sea. We enjoyed it very much, and it was a gorgeous trip. And later I wanted to go to Czechoslovakia, or to Hungary, but they didn’t let me go. Partkom [34] didn’t allow it. They asked stupid questions about decisions and decrees of Central Committee plenums.


Rebecca Levina