Tag #147048 - Interview #83426 (Piotr Levitas)

Selected text
Jews lived as friends. They often went to see each other, baked various tasty things – pies, lekakh. Lekakh is a cake made of biscuit dough, with some honey in it. They baked challah. They baked patties with raisin and millet porridge, but I’ve forgotten what they are called. They also cooked some broth.

There was a kosher shop in the town, where people bought clean ground wheat on Pesach. This wheat had to be absolutely clear, without any rye. At first this wheat was examined by a rabbi. In the case it turned out to be clear, that is, without any rye, the rabbi sanctioned to put it on sale, so that people could bake matzah. People bought it and baked matzah in the special bakery or at home.


Piotr Levitas