Tag #147114 - Interview #95251 (Moisey Marianovskiy)

Selected text
I was happy about Israel in 1947 and about the fact that we voted for it at the United Nations Organization. However, it turned out that this ‘voting’ had a background. Stalin wanted to strengthen his positions in this area. I know only but too well how he ‘loved’ Jews. He did not care about Jews, he just wanted to have a base there. He thought this state was going to work for him. But the fact that our state and army supported Arabs in the war against this state was very sad for me, particularly that Israel took every effort to protect itself. Of course, this dishonest and hypocritical policy of the Soviet Union could only raise anger in me.  I knew that our tanks were involved there and that they did not fight for the right. I was ashamed.  Why send tanks there? Why arm the enemies of Israel? Who benefited from it?


Moisey Marianovskiy