Tag #147282 - Interview #78416 (Meyer Markhasin)

Selected text
At the same time father went to Borovichi-  it used to be in the Leningrad region, now it was in the Novgorod region. There he agreed with one family and rented a room for me and arranged for me to work at the factory "The Red Ceramics" as a simple worker. I worked there as a stamp operator. Not long afterwards Stalin mentioned somewhere in a congress or a party conference that "the son is not responsible for the father." In 1937 I entered the 4th year of a rabfak [a special educational institution for workers], finished it and returned to Leningrad.  Once there, I passed an examination and in 1937 entered the Institute of Technology named after Molotov. I studied for 4 years there.


Meyer Markhasin