Tag #147804 - Interview #78423 (Mikhail Plotkin )

Selected text
Barvish’s elder son, Chaim, took the Party courses. He was a member of the [Communist] Party, a very ideological and committed person. He worked as a secretary of the Party organization at the ‘Bolshevik’ [9] plant shop. In 1933 Chaim was summoned to the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party and was present at Stalin’s reception. He was appointed Manager of the MTS – machine-and-tractor station on the Kuban [river]. He had a hard time there. We began to get information that it was restless there. He married a Cossack [10] woman. It cost him a lot. His wife’s relatives began to dislike Chaim because of his Jewish nationality. The Cossack woman herself never came to see us. We were informed before the war that he was killed by the Cossacks.


Mikhail Plotkin