Tag #147840 - Interview #78423 (Mikhail Plotkin )

Selected text
My grandchildren have a different fate. My daughter has two children: son Ilya and daughter Julia. In 1989 they were 20 and 17 years old correspondingly. They both announced that they are tired of ‘changing color,’ that they want to be real Jews, so they left for Israel. Ilya became an Orthodox Jew, he wears traditional clothes, is keen on Jewish mystics; he married a charming Jewess from a family of Orthodox Jews from Belgium. His wife gave birth to three wonderful children, my great-grandchildren. Julia turned out to be a very talented girl with a strong personality. She entered the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and defended a Master’s thesis in sociology. Her dissertation was considered the best graduate’s work of 2000 in the field of sociology and anthropology in Israel. Now she is working for a Doctor’s degree. I see the future of our family in our grandchildren and I like this future.


Mikhail Plotkin