Tag #148687 - Interview #95439 (Maria Zabozlaeva)

Selected text
About 8-10 years ago Vera began to identify herself as a Jew. She said this happened when she began to work in a Jewish project of the Open Jewish University in Israel. Our cousin brother Semyon Avgustevich that was manager of Association of Public Universities employed her as project secretary in Moscow in 1996. Vera worked in this program for five years: she gained knowledge of the Jewish history and traditions. Vera studied the Jewish history. Employees of this project even studied ‘Introduction to Torah’. This project lasted four years. Later Semyon started a new program ‘Warm houses of Moscow’ and made Vera coordinator of this program. They celebrated Sabbath, Pesach and other holidays in ‘warm houses’ (‘warm houses’: charity cultural program for those who cannot attend Hesed. It includes celebration of Sabbath, birthdays, attending lectures on various subjects, small concerts and celebration of all Jewish holidays) and Vera became a hostess of one of such houses and at that time her Jewish identity showed up. She took part in celebration of Chanukkah at the ‘Russia’ cinema theater in Moscow. At the previous Pesach that Vera conducted in her ‘warm house’ there were 100 guests.  Young people from the community of young Jews conducted seder and hid afikoman. Working in this program Vera visited Israel several times. Her first visit took place in 1996. Vera was greatly impressed. She traveled for the 2nd time in 1998. During her 3rd visit Vera, her daughter Katia and Michael celebrated the new Year in Jerusalem.  Vera met a nice Jewish man in Moscow. They got married and she moved to him in Israel in 2000. She is very happy. They live in Karmiel.


Maria Zabozlaeva