Tag #148938 - Interview #78765 (Sara Ushpitsene)

Selected text
In that period of time I met my future husband. His name was Meishe Ushpits. He was born in Sakiai in 1914. Meishe’s family was rich, but the life of the young man was not easy. Meishe’s mother died young and he was raised by his step-mother and father. When he was an adolescent, he left for Klaipeda, where he worked at a plant. Then Meishe moved to Kaunas, where he saw the beginning of the war. Meishe and his sister Leya didn’t manage to get evacuated and they became ghetto prisoners. Meishe’s father perished in occupation in Sakiai. Leya and Meishe had to spend horrible years in the ghetto, but fortunately they survived.


Sara Ushpitsene