Tag #149071 - Interview #96258 (Polina Leibovich)

Selected text
When Shymy’s dream came true and the Jewish state was established, Shymy took part in the war for independence in 1948, when the armies of five Arab states attacked Israel. Shymy got married before Israel was established. His wife, Pnina, arrived in Palestine from Poland with her parents at the age of eight. She got a medical education and worked as a cosmetologist. Later, she quit her job and became a housewife. They have no children. Shymy became a professional military. He participated in the Six-Day-War [18] in 1967, and in the War on Judgment Day in 1973 [see Yom Kippur War] [19]. He took part in four wars. They live in Rishon Le Ziyon.


Polina Leibovich